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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Reading on Mutualism

Click here to read

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After reading the article on mutualism, please comment below.  Explain how mutualism is different than the other 2 types of symbiosis we have discussed.


  1. trevor
    mutalism is different than parasitism because mutalism helps both and paratisism helps one and harms the other. It is also different than comensilisiom by comensalism helps one and does not harm the other.

  2. Jovin

    Parasitism-Only parasites benefit
    Commensalism- Benefits one organism and doesn't harm or help the other organism.

  3. Jovin

    I never knew clownfish and sea anemones present an example of facultative mutualism.Termites and flagallates benefits each other.

  4. they are differnt becouse mutalism becouse it helps one and hurts the other organism. nat

  5. paratism- only one organism benefits
    commensalism one benefits, the other isnt harmed nor helped.
    mutalism both benefit.
    who won the 300 coment thing?

  6. parasitism=only the parasites get something back
    commensalism=one thing gets something but does not harm the other and the other gets nothing back or harmed


  7. Kristin
    I learned that it doesn't help or harm the other living organism.

  8. Amy

    Commensalism is the relationship between two organisms in which one benefits and the other derives neither benefit nor harm. Parasitism is the relationship between two different organisms in which one receives benefits from the other by causing damage to it(it usually isn't fatal damage). Where mutualism is where both organisms involved benefit from the relationship.

  9. kevin

    mutilism is different from parasitism because mutilism helps both orginisms and they help each other but paratism helps one orginism but hurts the other orginism kind of like a parasite.

  10. Caleb

    mutualism is when both organisms work together too feed each other

  11. muilism is when one organism feeds from the other one with no harm


  12. muilism is when one organism feeds from the other one with no harm.


  13. maddie
    muilism is when one organism feeds other organisms with no harm at all and when they both work hard and together.
