Hello my wonderful students!!! Listen closely...are you listening??? This is your science teacher Ms. Yates. I know, I know. I just saw you a few hours ago. Remember the awesome reminders, updates, and fantasticness that I promised you?? It is here. Yep!! Right here. Remember to check it out daily. The rewards will be worth your time. Assignments that you forgot about or were absent for? Here!! Notes you may have missed?? Here too!!! Announcements?? Yep!! And, fantastic reminders of all the cool stuff we did today...All here and more!! See you tomorrow. Or Monday, if you are so awesome that you are reading this over the weekend.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Sheep Eye Dissection

Identify and describe the parts of the eye pictured here.  Well done today BTW.  You guys rock!!!


  1. The shiny blue part is the tapetum. The clear jelly is the vitreous humor. The white ball(supposed to be transparent) is the lens. The yellow stuff around the optic nerve on the outside is fat and muscle. A white looking dot on the back is the optic nerve. The retina is the lining that covers the tapetum and is a beige color. The black stuff on the cornea is the iris. The cornea is the outer most layer. When you cut the eye in half the cornea is underneath the iris.


  2. The Lens is the bead like yellowish thingy. The tapetum is the blueish layer in the back. The vitreous Humor is the jello like clear stuff. The retina is the shriveled up white stuff in the socket.

  3. The ciliary muscles are the black rings
    the lens is the ball looking thing in the bottom left
    the vitriouse humor is the gelatinous stuff in the bottom left
    the tapetum is the shiny part in the back of the eye
    the retina is the weird paper looking thing in the eye
    the cornea is not visible in this image.
    the pupil is in the middle of the ciliary muscles


  4. The light blue thing is called the tapetum. It alows sheeps to see well at night. It is also why when you shine a light at a sheep the eye shines right back at you. The tapetum isn't found in human eyes. The green ball is called the lens. The lens refracts light and can change in curvature. What's laying on the tapetum is called the retina. The retina converts light into nerve signals. What is laying under the lens is called the vitreous humor. The outer layer of the eye is called the sclera. The sclera gives the outer shape and protects the inside of the eye. The very back of the eye is called the optic nerve. The optic nerve transmits signals from the eye to the brain. You can also see the iris and the pupil. The cornea is laying fase down. That the eye ball for you.


  5. Optic nerve- Pathway to brain
    Tapetum- Reflects light at night, blue color
    The retina converts light into nerve signals
    Layer under the lens is vitrious humor
    sclera- part that keeps everything together.
    Iris- retracts and expands the pupil
    Pupil lets in light
    Lens- refracts light


  6. The tapetum helps the animal see iin the dark, it makes the eyes glow. The lens refracts light and it can change in curvature. The retina converts light into nerve signals. The vitreous humor is the jelly like substance. The sclera is the "shell" that shapes the eye and protects it. The optic nerve send signals to the brain. The iris is the colored part of the eye and it changes the pupil (big or small). The pupil is a hole in the iris that lets light through.

  7. Tapetum- blue tinted layer of the back of the eye
    Vitreous Humor- clear jelly fluid on the bottom left
    ciliary muscles- the black rings on top half of the eye
    Lens - round yellowish sphere found to the left of the bottom of the eye on the humor
    retina- the whiteish connected part near the tapetum
    Optic nerve isnt shown- on the fat and muscles on the exterior of the back of the eye

  8. external muscles- moves the eye around
    retina- converts light into nerve signals
    cornea- refracts light and helps eye to focus
    lens- refracts light and changes curvature
    optic nerve- transmits signals to the eye
    iris- changes the size of the pupil
    sclera- gives the its shape and protects the inner parts
    ciliary muscles- change the shape of the lens

  9. Ciliary Muscles are the black rings
    Tapetum is the Blue on the back half of the eye
    Lens is the gray part in the Ciliary Muscles
    Vitreous Humor is the goo around the lens

  10. The tapetom helps the animals see in the dark. Humans don’t have these.
    The retina changes light into nerve signals.
    The vh is the clear jelly fish part.
    The pupil allows light into the eye
    The optic nerve sends messages to a brain.
    The sclera is the p art that protects the eye and holds its shape.
    The iris is the colored part and makes the pupil big and small.


  11. The lens is the clear part.
    The pupil allows light to the eye.
    The retina is connected to the back of the eye.
    The ciliary muscles are the thin black rings.
    The iris is the blue on the back of the eye.
    The vh is around the pupil.

  12. Retina- converts light into nerve signals and sends it to the optic nerve
    Lens- refracts light
    Optic nerve- sends light signals to the visual cortex
    sclera- part that keeps everything together.
    Tapetum- Reflects light at night the light blue at the back of the eye
    Vitrious Humor- the mucus like stuff
    Iris- shrinks and grows the pupil it is the colored part of the eye
    Pupil- lets in light

