Hello my wonderful students!!! Listen closely...are you listening??? This is your science teacher Ms. Yates. I know, I know. I just saw you a few hours ago. Remember the awesome reminders, updates, and fantasticness that I promised you?? It is here. Yep!! Right here. Remember to check it out daily. The rewards will be worth your time. Assignments that you forgot about or were absent for? Here!! Notes you may have missed?? Here too!!! Announcements?? Yep!! And, fantastic reminders of all the cool stuff we did today...All here and more!! See you tomorrow. Or Monday, if you are so awesome that you are reading this over the weekend.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Wheat Seeds

First blog post of the year!!!  Woo hoo!!  Hello awesome fifth graders.   Please use the comments below to describe the differences between wheat seeds grown in the light and seeds grown in the dark.  Explain what you think is happening to cause these differences


  1. Manvi K
    The wheat seeds that grew in the dark were yellow and in our group, smaller than the wheat seeds in the sunlight. The wheat seeds in the sunlight were bright green and looked awesome. I think that this is happening because the plants need sunlight. If the plants are healthy, it would be green.

  2. The difference between the light and dark grown plants are the light grown plants are green, then dark grown plants are yellow. The light grown plants are bigger and the dark grown ones are smaller. One more difference is that there are more dark grown plants growing than light grown plants. I think this is happening because the light grown plants got sunlight so I think that something inside the plant activated making it green. I think that the dark grown plants are yellow because I think the thing inside of the plant didn't activate so it made the plant yellow. That is what the differences between the dark and light grown plants are and that is why I think the light grown plant it green and the dark grown plant is yellow.

  3. Reese M
    In our group the Dark plants were yellow and taller, I think they are taller because the Dark plants are trying to go to the top of the bag to get sunlight. I think they are yellow because they don't have a lot of sunlight. Also in our group the Light plants had more sprouts and were green, I think they are green and have more sprouts because they have more sunlight. Overall it is interesting to see the plants grow and develop.

  4. My group strangely had the dark shorter than the light. We thought that the dark would grow better but it is how it is I cant believe that the other had their dark taller. And what is also neat is that the dark is tan and the light is green. This project is so confusing!
    -Jared E.

    1. After thinking about it some more I need to clarify my answer. What I was trying to say was that the plants grown in the dark were shorter and looked tan while the plants grown in the light were green and tall. I think that the plants grown in the dark were not being able to go through photosynthesis because of their lack of sunlight. I think that the plants grown in the sunlight were going through the photosynthesis process therefore making them green and taller. With photosynthesis they can complete the cycle of what they need to be a healthy plant.
      -Jared E.

  5. Ashley B.

    In my group the light was taller than the dark but other people had their dark taller than their light. The light plants were tall and looked healthy. The dark was yellow on the bottom but on the tips it was white. I think that the plants in the light got chlorophyll and the dark ones could not because there is no light. This lab was really fun and you are a great teacher Mrs. Yates !!!! :)

  6. Cari J
    I think that the light is growing better then the dark because it needs light to photosynthesize or make food. I think the light ones are healthier. I think you can see this because the light is green and most plants are green when they are healthy. I think the dark ones are dying because they are brownish sort of color.
    I liked this Lab and you're a great science teacher!!! :)

  7. Ford M.
    I think the reason the ones in the see-through plastic bags are growing better than the ones in dark bags is because they got exposed to more light. Sun travels through the plant and with photosynthesis. The one in the dark bag couldn't get light to use this process so it was weaker. The ones in see-through plastic bags, when you touched them they were wavy and strong. When you touched the ones in dark bags they were stiff and breakable. Also they were a tan color with white on the top. The ones in see-through bags were a beautiful light green.

    This Lab was so AWESOME!! Thanks so much Ms Yates :]

  8. Ford M.
    I hypothesize that the one in the light bags are growing better because the sunlight was turned into sugar and powered the plant so it turned a beautiful green. The ones in the dark bag turned tan with white tops because the plant produces chlorophyll and it turn the plant green

    This lab was AWESOME!!!! :]

  9. The reason why there are less sprouts for the dark plants is because there is less light for them, and plants need it to survive. The reason why the dark plant sprouts are yellowish-brown is because since they don't receive sunlight, and plants need it to survive, the plants wouldn't look green, instead they would look yellowish-brown. Sebastian A.

  10. Rohan K.
    I think that the light grown plants were more green and looked healthier compared to the dark grown plants which were brown and frail is because plants need sunlight to do photosynthesis. Photosynthesis makes sugar which is food or energy for the plant. No sunlight means no photosynthesis which means no sugar. No sugar = no energy. So the dark grown plants have less energy than the light grown plants. Which makes it weaker and browner.

  11. Adarsh k
    I think the light grown plants looked more healthy than the dark grown plants.I think this because every plant needs light to make its own food. But this won't stop the dark grown plants from growing.

  12. Logan K,
    Hi Ms. Yates, I think the light grew more because of how the sunlight affected it. The light got sun and the dark did not. The light had all three things to grow, the dark did not. The green produced chlorophyll so it looked green and the dark did not get sunlight so it was yellow not green

  13. Nicholas T
    The dark plants were brown because they weren't using photosynthesis to create food while the dark plants are green because they are using photosynthesis.

  14. Grace G
    I think the light is heather than the dark because the dark needs sunlight to become healthy. That also does not stop the dark from growing.

  15. I think the plants in the light will grow more when they stay and that the ones from the dark to light as well. I think the ones in the dark staying will grow less. I think the one going from light to dark will die

  16. I think that the light is healthier because it has water,air, and sunlight but the dark only has air and water with no sunlight so it cant grow as well.

    -Nathan S

  17. I think the light is healthier because it gets water, air, and sunlight but the dark only gets water and air so it cant grow as well.

    -Nathan S

  18. I think that the wheat seeds need sunlight, water and food to live. Food is produced by the sun. The seeds in the dark had feast off the left over seeds and did get enough food. This lead to them being unhealthy.
    - Alec R

  19. Plants in the light: They look green and healthy.
    Plants in the dark: They are yellow and sometimes white, no green color.


  20. The seeds that were grown in the dark always stayed yellow. The ones in the light always stayed green and healthy.

    Takuro S
