Hello my wonderful students!!! Listen closely...are you listening??? This is your science teacher Ms. Yates. I know, I know. I just saw you a few hours ago. Remember the awesome reminders, updates, and fantasticness that I promised you?? It is here. Yep!! Right here. Remember to check it out daily. The rewards will be worth your time. Assignments that you forgot about or were absent for? Here!! Notes you may have missed?? Here too!!! Announcements?? Yep!! And, fantastic reminders of all the cool stuff we did today...All here and more!! See you tomorrow. Or Monday, if you are so awesome that you are reading this over the weekend.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Animal Communication

How did today's activity resemble predator and prey interactions?  What made it easy or difficult for you to find your prey?  Give as many examples as you can of how animals communicate in nature.


  1. Animals who hunt or look for other small animals are predators, while the smaller animals are prey. We were the predators in hunting for the prey, the animals we drew that were hidden everywhere in the campsite. It made it difficult, because you can sometimes because you sometimes see them a little bit with the flashing colors. Animals communicate in nature by sound, vision, showing-off, smell and taking a certain action.

  2. It resembled predator and prey because the humans were the predators and we were trying to find/hunt for the prey. It was easy when the prey was sticking out a bush or laying out in the open but hard when it was hidden the trees or camouflaging. Animals have to communicate when they are trying to tell someone something or for attracting females. It was easy when the prey was sticking out a bush or laying out in the open but hard when it was hidden the trees or camouflaging. Animals have to communicate when they are trying to tell someone something or for attracting females.
    Avni Duda

  3. Today in Ms. Batchelor's class we didn't get to do the activity, but I can resemble predator or prey. So we were the predator and our animals where the prey. We were trying to remember what our prey looks like so we could find it . The shapes and colors would help us remember what we react to. The examples that I got for animal communication were: Ants use hydro carbon to find other ants, Squirrels use rattlesnake shedding for protection from a rattlesnake by eating the skin and rubbing itself with it. The others are that whales use echo location to find food, alarm, or needs help, a type of bacteria glows and when that happens it attracts fish and then they eat them, cats rub themselves on things that mark their territory, dogs also mark their territory, fish use their bodies or scales to make predators stay way. Male peacocks use their beautiful feathers to attract mates, poisonous dart frogs use their bright colors to make animals not eat them, and that is all I can think of !

  4. For our class we didn't do the activity but some examples are ants with pheromones, whales with singing, squirrels with chattering and rubbing the smell of rattlesnake, and bacteria with chemical communication

  5. Because predator and prey respond to those animals.It was hard for me to find a picture because the pictures were pushed far into the bush. Pheromones, chemicals, and tensed muscles, like the drum fish.


  6. Our activity represented predator and prey because we had to search for the certain animal and it could be considered "hunting". It was harder if you had a green color or something that was hard to find in the bushes especially if it was deep in the brush. It was easier if we had bright colorful animals hidden in the open.
    Drew S.

  7. It resembled predator and prey because we found animals that acted as food. It made it easy to find animals because they were mostly white. It made it hard to find animals because they were hidden deep in bushes. Animals use communication to find a mate, warn other animals, and protect their off-spring. --Alex

  8. I don't remember doing this. Examples of communication include bioluminescence, gestures, bright colors, changing colors, clicks, howls, songs, moans, chirps, cries, breeching, calls, rubbing body parts, rattles, drums, hydrochlorides, scents, electricity, barks, purrs, snorts, tweets, roars, hisses, and human speech.

  9. Today's activity resembled predator and prey interactions because we had a limited amount of time to find food of we were out and that is like a predator not eating and dying. When our animals were out in the open and had very bright colors that catch your eye it was easy, but when the animals were well hidden and had camouflage it was hard. In nature animals communicate things like mating calls, warning of danger, and discovering food.
    Jackson B.

  10. The difficult thing that was for me to find my prey was that Mrs. Yates hid them easy and we hid them harder. In nature, ants communicate with their anntenas and a type of fish ( that I forgot the name) makes a very loud noise.
    - Deniz

  11. Some ways to communicate are visually,auditory,tactile,and chemically. Those are some ways animals communicate differently in the world.

    Brock Chang
    Ms.Bachelors class

  12. Today's activity resembles predator and prey interaction because it shows how predators communicate with visual signs. It was easy because it could be out in the open and it would be hard because the prey could be deep in the bushes. Animals can communicate with pheromones, visual signs, gesturing, vocal to find mates, warn, and to find prey.
    Farhat A.

  13. You can communicate by making a scent to let others know what you are doing or telling them what to do. You can also make a noise to talk or warn. Another way to communicate is to do a movement of show something off to warn, talk, or mate.

  14. Today we did a lab on how animals communicate. It resembled animals interactions on how they find food and how the prey try to blend in with or camouflage with their surroundings. It was easier when Mrs. Yates hide the prey because they were hid in easier places. When our classmates hid the animals it was trickier because we tried to make it harder for one another. Ii was also harder when your prey blended in with it's surrounding.
    Many examples of how animals communicate are that they use: their sense of smell, color to alarm danger, odors to protect themselves, spines or defense, vision, to mate with sounds, hearing, heat, temperature, chemicals, and many other thing like taste, sight, smell, touch, and hear.


  15. Our class did not get to do the project because of rain. It was easy to find our prey because we knew the colors, shapes, and environment we chose. Animals communicate in many different ways, like visual and chemical. Bacteria exchange chemicals to tell that they are there. Squirrels use chemical scents to mark their territory and also rub old rattlesnake skin against themselves as a disguise. Hydrocarbons for ants are used to find out if one ant is from the same colony or not. Black drum males make loud noises to communicate or sometimes to get a mate. Special organs help fish to be loud in order to communicate. - Jauren

  16. Today's project was about locating specific prey. Knowing what to look for helped, but since one of my colors was green the prey could camouflage.
