Click in the article below to read about this fantastically, amazing frog. She sounds like she would be a great addition to our class pet collection, don't you think?
Click in the article below to read about this fantastically, amazing frog. She sounds like she would be a great addition to our class pet collection, don't you think?
Today I got Roger a climbing branch and a rock lake. He was very curious and checked them out for a while. After about five minutes he swam through his lake and climbed to the top of his branch to bask. I think he loves it!
Congratulations to this week's raffle winners! I sincerely appreciate all of your hard work and dedication. You all make it so easy to love this job. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Taylor (twice)
Amazing observation today Savanna, Avni, and Deniz! What caused this plant to have just one yellow spot?
Roger crosses the treacherous lab table to reach the delicious kale by way of Hanna's famous bridge. Go Roger!
Click here to read more about the Painted Lady
In the comments, tell me what you learned about the larvae we are studying?