Hello my wonderful students!!! Listen closely...are you listening??? This is your science teacher Ms. Yates. I know, I know. I just saw you a few hours ago. Remember the awesome reminders, updates, and fantasticness that I promised you?? It is here. Yep!! Right here. Remember to check it out daily. The rewards will be worth your time. Assignments that you forgot about or were absent for? Here!! Notes you may have missed?? Here too!!! Announcements?? Yep!! And, fantastic reminders of all the cool stuff we did today...All here and more!! See you tomorrow. Or Monday, if you are so awesome that you are reading this over the weekend.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Cheek cell lab

PRESENTING NOW!!!  Your super, amazing cheek cells  Super, fantastic, amazing job 5th graders!!! 

Tastiest Lab EVER!!!!

Great work today!!! Below you will find some examples of physical and chemical changes...and some pictures from today :)
glass breaking
hammering wood together to build a house
a rusting bicycle 
melting butter for popcorn 
separating sand from gravel 
spoiling food 
mixing lemonade powder into water 
mowing the lawn 
corroding metal
bleaching your hair 
fireworks exploding 
squeezing oranges to make orange juice 
frying an egg 
pouring milk on your oatmeal 
burning leaves 
making salt water to gargle with 
cream being whipped 
burning toast 
freezing chocolate covered bananas 
melting ice cream 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Letter e Observation

Great observations and detailed drawing today!!   Cheek and onion cells tomorrow...
Start thinking about what differences you might be able to observe between the two types of cells.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Physical and Chemical Changes Lab

CH, CH, CH CH CH, CH CH CH CH, CH CH......Honestly, I have lit a match before!!!!
Great work today!!!  No fire alarm....huge sigh of relief.  I think my favorite part was watching you smell the vinegar/ chalk reaction (insert evil laugh here :)  Also, I loved the extra experiments you thought to try and thoroughly appreciate all of you getting prior permission before your attempt. 
Remember the take home message...Chemical changes form a new substance, with new properties.  In physical changes, only the form of the substance changes. 

Observing the candle
Chalk and Vinegar
Heating the sucrose
Best reaction ever!!!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Did you miss something today??

Remember, anytime you miss something in class, you can find it here.  

The day's bell work, agenda, and homework can be found in the 'Today's Hike' section.  Just click on the right week and go through the PowerPoint. 

Any notes that you missed can be found in the PowerPoint section.  Just find the right topic and go through the notes.

I will also try to upload any handouts that are passed out in class.

Please, please, please remember to use this site as a resource for yourself and be in charge of your own  success.  You are all amazing!!!  Especially YOU :)

See you tomorrow.

Ms. Yates

Monday, August 26, 2013

Medal Ceremony

Congratulations to all our medalists!!  Remember to continue going for the gold and do your homework tonight...Cover your books and KWL

See you tomorrow!!

Ms. Yates

Gold Medal in Cotton Ball Shot Put!